Our Life 101 Project has been making a difference to the children we support in Denkaka, Ethiopia. With the help of our generous supporters we are now able to provide some food to the children during their regular tutoring time at the church. If we were given a loaf of bread, a banana or a small package of “biscuits” that wouldn’t sound like very much to us. But, to these children in this poor village in Ethiopia, it is more than what they sometimes have in a whole day. Some of the children will even save a part of their bread to take home to share with other members of their family.

Many of the children we work with know the importance of taking care of one another, even at a young age their hearts are bent towards sharing what they have with others. Over the years that I have ministered there I have watched children stuff a piece of whatever they have been given to eat into their pockets saying “my sister needs some food too”. It breaks my heart to see any child go hungry and it is humbling to see the love in the eyes of these children who have so little but still know how important it is to give, to love and to take care of others.

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