After 45 minutes of traveling to Dekaka and a 15 minute walk to the church on a dirt road, we arrived at Mulu Wongle Church. Even before we were in sight of the church we heard voices lifted up in praise. It was a sound of joy and it was radiating outside the church walls. I had an overwhelming feeling of peace as I entered the building. There was no room to sit as the church was overflowing with people. We were seated on the platform behind the pulpit. There were children everywhere and they slowly moved closer to where I was seated. Children watched and waited to get closer to me. Some just wanted to touch my skin and hair because it is so different than their own.
The choir was singing today and the first song lasted well over 10 minutes. Thinking they were done I was ready for the pastor to begin his message but the choir had multiple songs which lasted over 45 minutes. I asked the interpreter if the choir was presenting the message. His response was no, the pastor will speak when they are finished. Wondu did deliver a message, which was interpreted in parts by Melaku. The final song was started and then a woman screamed. The praise leader called for the prayer warriors which went to the woman. I was told she had a demon in her and they needed to get “it” out of her. This went on for well over 10 minutes when suddenly a loud screeching sound came from her and she collapsed in the arms of her “warriors”. The church members clapped and raised their hands to God for his power and dominion over the enemy.